Strategic Plan 2023-2026

  • Our Vision

    Make a difference for those in need by providing more homes

  • Our Purpose

    Provide high quality, safe and affordable housing

  • Our Mission

    To provide stable housing which enhance the lives of our tenants to work collaboratively with community partners to link our tenants to the supports they need to achieve excellence in housing provision through sustainable financial and operational practices

  • Our Target 2023-2026

    To reinvest our operating surpluses to achieve moderate but purposeful growth of our property portfolio – aiming to house 20 more people per annum

Metro Strategic Focus Areas

The four Strategic focus areas for this planning period are:

For-Purpose Property Strategy


By the end of 2025 we will have:

  • Continued to acquire and/or develop fit for purpose properties – accessing DCJ funding opportunities as they occur

  • In place the financial systems and relationships to ensure that we continue to increase our stock of safe, secure and affordable housing for people in need

  • Effectively maintained or improved our existing properties

  • Developed a reputation for best practice sustainable design to house people who have complex needs

Continue to Strengthen our Governance


By the end of 2024 we will have:

  • Diversified Board membership to better reflect our community and address any skills gaps identified in the review

  • Developed a Board Succession Plan for the Executive roles

  • Implemented the findings of our Governance Review

  • Reviewed and updated our Constitution

  • Confirmed continuing support and the rationale for remaining a Co-operative.

  • Increase the number of members of the Co-operative through active promotion to tenants/partner agencies.

Future Proof our Staffing


By the end of 2024 we will have:

  • Reviewed our HR policies and updated all relevant policies and procedures where required.

  • Reviewed all Position Descriptions and updated Employment contracts where required

  • Support our staff to perform at the highest level

  • Reviewed our Performance Management processes to build staff capacity

  • Developed a Succession Plan for senior roles

Maintain Service Excellence for our Tenants


We will continue to:

  • Deliver excellent tenancy and property management services in order to provide safe and secure homes to our tenants

  • Listen to and consult with our tenants about matters affecting them.

  • Provide our tenants with the information they need to make informed choices

  • Maintain our strong existing partnerships to ensure that our tenants receive the support they need

  • Use innovation to support our service delivery

  • Fair

    We will be honest and open in our communications and interactions with applicants, tenants, partner agencies and the wider community.

    We will ensure that our service provision is inclusive and that we do not knowingly discriminate.

  • Socially Responsible

    We will be committed, accountable and transparent to our stakeholders.

    We will operate in a financially prudent and efficient manner, reinvest our resources to benefit current and future tenants, and be good corporate citizens.

    We will prioritise the needs of people who have been marginalised.

    We will aim to deliver initiatives that help to address the impacts of climate change.

  • Service Orientated

    We will inform ourselves about our clients’ needs; be responsive to those needs (to the extent possible within our policies and resources) and communicate information in a way that is appropriate to the individual circumstances of persons requesting or using our services.

    We will seek out and value the input and involvement of our tenants and key stakeholders.

    We will support our staff to perform their roles effectively in order to achieve our objectives.

  • Professionalism

    We will discharge our governance, compliance and management responsibilities in a timely and effective manner.

    Our Directors, Executive team and staff will act with integrity and honesty and be known for our focus on positive outcomes.