Housing First
Metro has had a long history of involvement in programs to help people exit entrenched homelessness – these generally involve time limited funding for head -leasing and constructing specialist support to help tenants obtain and sustain affordable housing.
In 2020 The NSW Government committed $36.1m to establish the Together Home Program, which provides housing and support packages to rapidly rehouse people who were sleeping rough before being given access to DCJ funded Temporary Accommodation during the covid-19 Pandemic.
Metro has committed to providing all tenants housed through these programs with long term secure housing after dedication funding has expired.
About The Program
There have been 3 Tranches of the Program (2020, 2021, 2022) and Metro housed a total of 51 people and contracted Salvation Army, NNC, Haymarket Foundation and Launchpad Youth to provide specialist support to tenants.
Tranche 1
Metro Housing has committed to housing 20 clients into long term housing within its portfolio after the two-year funding period. We have engaged The Salvation Army and Newtown Neighbourhood Centre to provide the wrap around supports for these clients.
Tranche 2
This commenced on 1st July 2021. Metro and other providers will be housing people who had to be moved out of large residential centres due to de-congregation. There are 18 packages in the 2nd Tranche.