We provide housing solutions
Becoming a member
Dear Metro Tenants - all tenants are welcome to join as members of the Co-operative by completing the attached form.
Metro is committed to involving our tenants in decision making about how Metro is run. All Metro tenants are automatically entitled to become a member. There is no cost, and membership entitles you to vote for the election of directors at our Annual General Meeting.
Special General Meeting - 22 March 2025
A special general meeting will be held to review proposed amendments to the governance rules for Metro Community Housing under the Co-operatives (Adoption of National Law) Act 2012 (NSW) (Co-operatives National Law). For further information click on the link below.
Our mission is to create better communities by helping people in housing stress
Metro Community Housing is a community based not-for-profit Housing Provider, which commenced operations in 1983 as Marrickville Area Community Housing. Following a merger with Resamen Limited in 2007 our name changed to Metro Community Housing.
We aim to strengthen our community by providing more people in need with safe and secure homes.
We are a team of highly experienced, professionals committed to providing high quality and responsive tenancy and property management services.
Our Services
Housing Diversity
By providing affordable and secure housing, ranging from shared, transitional accommodation, studios and 1-2 bedroom units for single people, couples or small families to large family homes.
A community of providers
By linking up with other housing and community service providers through participation in the housing sector and broader political process

“The stress of housing insecurity was a tough time for my family, but we are so grateful for Metro Community Housing for their compassion & professionalism”
— Amanda Smith
About Us
Metro is primarily funded by the Community, Homes and Place Division of the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.
Our Values
Our Directors, Executive Team and staff will act with integrity and honesty and drive our focus on positive outcomes for our tenants
We will continually strive to provide excellent service to our tenants
We will work together with our peers and community partners to promote the Community Housing Sector and advocate for those in need
We will operate in a financially prudent and effective manner, reinvest our resources to benefit current and future tenants and be good corporate citizens
We will prioritise the needs of the vulnerable and people who have been marginalised.
Our Vision
Making a difference to the lives of people in need by providing housing that is safe and affordable
Our Strategic Objectives
Our Strategic Plan 2023-2026 sets out the four key areas that we will focus on during the term of this current plan to help ensure we achieve our vision and:
Implement our For Purpose Property Strategy
Continue to Strengthen our Governance
Future proof our organisation with a focus on our staff
Maintain Service Excellence for our tenants
Our Target
Reinvest our operating surpluses to achieve moderate but purposeful growth in order to house more people. We will aim to increase our property portfolio by 5% per annum.
Metro Overview
Metro Community Housing is a tier 2 Community Housing provider located in Newtown in the inner west of Sydney. Our primary purpose is to provide long term, subsidised accommodation to people on low incomes who meet Housing Pathways (NSW Housing Register) eligibility criteria.
We also provide transitional housing for people referred through support partnership nominations from our community support partners (see the Partnerships section on our website for a full list of partners organisations). Metro partners with these services through a formal Service Level Agreement offering them nomination rights to a specific number of leasehold properties, or through a formal arrangement with DCJ whereby specific properties owned by the NSW government are allocated to Specialist Homelessness Services.
Transitional tenants require assistance to exit primary homelessness or unsafe accommodation, or to prevent those exiting in-patient psychiatric services, crisis refuges, drug and alcohol programs, or the criminal justice system, from falling into homelessness or being required to live in unsafe/insecure accommodation.
Transitional tenancy terms range from 6-18 months for people who are not priority approved on Housing Pathways. This can be extended up to a maximum term 30 months if they are engaged in full time vocational/tertiary study or they have dependent child 16-21 years completing years 11/12 of secondary school/ or engaged in full time tertiary studies.
For tenants that are priority approved on Housing Pathways the person can remain in transitional housing for two years or until the person is made a (reasonable) offer of permanent social housing, or exits voluntarily.
Metro has also been involved for many years in providing housing and contracting specialist support services for “Housing First” programs such as Connect 100, the STEP program and the Together Home aimed at assisting people to exit street sleeping. These special purpose programs have generally been time limited and designed to provide transitional housing for a term of 2 or 3 years. However Metro and our peer organisations in Sydney District have committed to providing long term housing for these program participants.
Metro has housed an additional 100 people through The Together Home and STEP programs over the last 4 years.
We manage properties across 18 Local Government areas of metropolitan Sydney with the vast majority located in the Canterbury-Bankstown, City of Sydney and Inner West Local Government areas.
We manage 110 properties owned by the state government (through the NSW Land and Housing Corporation) where we retain the rent paid by tenants but are responsible for meeting all property and asset management costs.
We also receive funding from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) to head-lease a minimum of 261 properties from the private rental market through the Community Housing Leasing Program, and for specialist programs such as STEP and Together Home.
Metro is registered by the independent Registrar of Community Services under the provisions of the National Regulatory Scheme for Community Housing Providers.
This requires us to undertake an annual compliance assessment which focus strongly on our financial management and governance systems.
We also provide extensive data about our tenancy and property management functions and compliance with benchmarks in relation to our operations on an annual and quarterly basis to the Department of Communities and Justice.
Metro is a registered charity which is required to provide annual reports to, and is overseen by, the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission.
As a Co-operative we are also required to provide annual reports to the Registry of Co-operatives based within the NSW Department of Fair Trading.
Metro is audited by independent external auditors on an annual basis. Our audited financial accounts can be downloaded HERE
By working in partnership with community organisations Metro Community Housing strengthens its capacity to respond to the needs of people in urgent housing need. Metro see partnerships as vital to providing holistic support to people in high housing stress.
Metro Community Housing has partnerships with a number of community based agencies who provide a range of support services to their clients through the Transitional Housing programs. Transitional Housing programs offer tenancies for periods between 3-24 months. This period provides secure and affordable accommodation whilst offering tenants an opportunity to develop independent living skills or return to study/employment before tenants exit into more permanent accommodation.
The categories of people in transitional housing we are currently assisting are:
Families at imminent risk of/or who are homeless
Young people (under 25) at imminent risk of/or who are homeless
Women and their children exiting crisis refuges
People with a psychiatric disability
People exiting the criminal justice system
People exiting alcohol and other drug rehabilitation programs
Our Partners
The Aboriginal Women and Children’s Crisis Service
Stride Mental Health Association
Glebe House
Guthrie House
Launchpad Youth Community
Lillian's Place
NEAMI National
Rainbow Lodge
Salvation Army Homelessness Services Network
St. John Of God
St Vincent De Paul Homelessness Services
Sydney Local Health District Mental Health Services
The Gender Centre
We Help Ourselves
Wesley Mission Ashfield Program for Young People
YWCA - Young Women’s Support Program and Rapid Rehousing Program
Women and Girls Emergency Centre (WAGEC)
Got a question for us?
Fill in the form with your enquiry and we will be in touch as soon as we can.
Contact Us
Visit Us
Suite 208 level 2/1 Erskineville Rd,
Newtown NSW 2042, Australia
(02) 9565 4599
Text Us - 0439 539 322
Office Hours
Monday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Wednesday 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Thursday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Friday By Appointment Only

We look forward to helping you on your journey to housing security
— CEO Metro Community Housing